Story Accolades – Solonae Dyson Sphere

Episode: Solonae Dyson Sphere

A massive Iconian gateway leads to a Dyson sphere on the edge of the Delta Quadrant.

What mysteries lie within?

Accolade Name:Icarus 2.0
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Do not take damage while repairing the satellites.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
Accolade Name:Dyson Sphere Puzzle Solver
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Do not make any mistakes at the puzzle consoles.
Do not run out of time, you have 20 seconds.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
Accolade Name:Defensive Beam Tactician
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Choose beam defenses at Tuvok’s options.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
This option will grant the Solonae Marksman EV suit later in the mission.

Accolade Name:Swarmer Tactician
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Choose swarmers at Tuvok’s options.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
This option will grant the Solonae Enforcer EV suit later in the mission.

Accolade Name:The Unstoppable Captain
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Choose no defenses at Tuvok’s options.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
This option will grant the Solonae Striker EV suit later in the mission.

Accolade Name:Dyson EV Suit Collector
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Collect all 3 Solonae EV suits from the mission.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
You can exchange a mission EV suit set for Paladin and/or Sentinel EV suit at the Lobi store.

Accolade Name:Explosion Investigator
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Spacewalk through the remains of the hallway explosion.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
Accolade Name:Shadow Hugger
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Do not get hit by solar flares while closing the shield.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
This will be randomly given after the spacewalk. The left door opening will grant access to this accolade.

Accolade Name:Efficient Swarmer Exterminator
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Provide sufficient cover for Cooper as he repairs the console.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
This will be randomly given after the spacewalk. The right door opening will grant access to this accolade.

Accolade Name:Beam Dodger
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Do not get hit by beams while fusing the wiring.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
Accolade Name:Tuvok’s Support
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Do not allow Tuvok to be knocked unconscious.
Mission:A Step Between Stars
Accolade Name:Solonae Dyson Sphere
Accolade Value:10 points
What To Do:Wrapper.
Complete all missions for the episode.
– Sphere of Influence
– Circles within Circles
– Supply Woes
– The Contested Zone
– The Omega Standoff
– Tower Control
– A Step Between Stars
– Fluidic Destruction
– Surface Tension

See Accolade Locations > Solonae Dyson Sphere for all accolades available at this location.